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How cats reveal their true feelings with facial expressions

Cats have feelings for owners
Sat, Nov 11, 2023

Cats are beautiful domestic pets with nine lives and offer ideal company and comfort to families. If you have already adopted one and wondering if the furry companion really cares about you, then this is the time to drop that thought. Cats have feelings for their owners and express how they feel differently from other domestic animals. But do you know how many facial expressions a cat can make?

Cats have emotions

A kitten hides behind a couch

This sweet, independent, and entertaining creature has mastered the art of non-verbal communication. A new study reveals that cats can make at least 276 facial expressions. Two US scientists and cat enthusiasts undertook an explicit study to unearth the true feelings of cats and how they display them. The results of the study were published in the journal Behavioral Processes.

In a major breakthrough for cat lovers who have been struggling to understand if cats have feelings for their owners, scientists have documented the expressions cats use to display their emotions. For cat owners, most of the cat’s body language is easy to understand.

What the scientists observed about cat behavior

Facial of expression of a cat

A cat displaying emotions. The pet can make at least 279 facial expressions

The study was conducted by Brittany Florkiewicz, an evolutionary psychologist at Lyon College in Arkansas, and co-research Lauren Scott. The Washington Post highlights that the duo filmed cats for a few hours. They listed their observations about the expressions the cats displayed.

From the study, if you notice your cat moving the ears and whiskers forward and backward, your cat is probably in a happy mood. “Our study demonstrates that cat communication is more complex than previously assumed,” said Florkiewicz. While displaying friendly faces, cats open their mouths.  The research indicates that cats have emotions for their owners with 46 percent of their facial expressions displaying friendly emotions. Aggressive emotions scoop 37 percent of the emotions while 17 percent are ambiguous.

Why cats make great pets

Cats have nearly 300 different facial expressions

A cat relaxing and displaying one of the facial expressions of cats

They are excellent cuddle companions

The furry and cheeky friend is ideal to snuggle with during your lazy days or when watching a classic movie or documentary. Cats love cuddling and you will have a loyal companion once you win their trust as a caring owner. Interaction with this beautiful pet highlights that cats have feelings for their owners.

Cats are masters of relaxation

They know how to make themselves comfortable and can easily influence an owner to also take that afternoon nap. They are the companion that will sit with you and rub against you as you enjoy reading a book or watching a TV series.

They are excellent hunters

If you are the type who shed their skin in fear at the sight of a mouse then a cat should be the ideal pet to adopt for your home. Cats are excellent hunters and can claw an irritating mouse or snake to death. READ ALSO: How lack of sleep can make you more sensitive to pain

Cats are low-maintenance

While other domestic animals and pets require owners to draw a long and expensive budget for meals, cats only consume a mouthful. You will only need a little water, food, and a litter box. They also know how to clean themselves and easily master how to use the litter box.