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Toilet Scrolling: The negative health impact of using your phone while on the toilet

A man Sitting on Toilet
Updated Thu, Nov 23, 2023

Lifestyle. In today’s digital era, smartphone usage has become ubiquitous, extending even into the most private of sanctuaries – the bathroom. However, this seemingly innocuous practice of toilet scrolling has raised alarms within the medical community, particularly among gastroenterologists. They emphasise the potential health hazards associated with employing your phone while attending to nature’s call.

Why is it bad to use your phone on the toilet?

The Hygiene Factor

Let’s begin with the most apparent concern – hygiene. Restrooms have earned a reputation for being breeding grounds for germs and bacteria. Bringing your phone into this environment exposes it to an array of potentially harmful pathogens. Surprisingly, studies have shown that toilets might not be the primary culprits when it comes to germ density; sinks and smartphone screens can host even more microbes. Engaging in toilet scrolling poses the risk of transferring these germs to your hands and subsequently to your mouth and other parts of your body. READ ALSO: Learn about Bol Bol, the Sudanese basketball star lighting up the NBA

Furthermore, the moisture and humidity prevalent in bathrooms create an ideal breeding ground for bacteria on your smartphone. Failure to adequately clean and sanitise your device can lead to various health complications.

Can you sit on the toilet too long on your phone?

Haemorrhoids: The Hidden Peril

Haemorrhoids, commonly known as piles, afflict millions worldwide and cause discomfort, bleeding, and pain during bowel movements. Gastroenterologists are increasingly cautioning against prolonged toilet sessions while using your phone, as this can heighten the risk of developing haemorrhoids.

Spending extended periods on the toilet, especially when engrossed in your phone, increases pressure on the rectal veins. Prolonged straining in a sedentary position can result in the development of haemorrhoids. The constant pressure weakens blood vessels in the rectal area, causing them to swell and become inflamed.

Why is it bad to use your phone on the toilet?

Why you shouldn’t sit on the toilet for a long time: Gastrointestinal Disturbances

Beyond the spectre of haemorrhoids, there’s a possibility of developing more severe gastrointestinal issues when toilet scrolling and smartphone usage in the bathroom becomes a regular habit. Lengthy toilet sessions can lead to incomplete bowel movements, potentially contributing to problems like constipation and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). READ ALSO: How cats reveal their true feelings with facial expressions

IBS is a chronic gastrointestinal disorder characterised by abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits. Stress often triggers or exacerbates this condition, and extended periods spent on the toilet with a phone in hand can act as a significant stressors.

Impaired Muscle Function

Another concern voiced by gastroenterologists is the impact of using your phone on the toilet on muscle function. Prolonged sitting and straining can result in weakened pelvic floor muscles.

These muscles play a vital role in maintaining normal bowel function and preventing issues like incontinence. Weakening them can lead to difficulties in bowel control, further compounding gastrointestinal problems.

Reducing Screen Time

Considering these potential risks, it is advisable to reconsider your bathroom habits. Cutting down on screen time in the bathroom can safeguard not only your physical health but also enhance your mental well-being. Utilise this time for relaxation and a brief escape from the digital realm. It can serve as an opportunity to practice mindfulness and offer your body a much-needed respite.

 The Guardian reported that while using your phone on the toilet might appear harmless, it can pose significant health risks, spanning hygiene concerns to the development of haemorrhoids, gastrointestinal problems, and muscle dysfunction. READ ALSO: Unveiling the Scientific Breakthroughs of Adeyinka Falusi

Gastroenterologists implore individuals to be more mindful of their habits and the time spent in the bathroom. Remember that your health should always take precedence, and taking a brief hiatus from your phone while on the throne can go a long way in preserving your well-being.