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9 Proven Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight

Lose Weight
Fri, Dec 1, 2023

Weight loss is a long, tiring journey that involves different habits. We are all used to being told to go hit the gym to lose that extra body fat. As a matter of fact, losing weight involves more than just working out. Did you know that you can lose weight while just going on with your life with a few tweaks? You don’t have to hit the gym every day, but you can start your weight loss journey on the right foot by adopting some proven morning habits. Here are 9 morning habits that are guaranteed to help you lose weight.

1. Weigh Yourself

Weighing yourself every morning is an effective strategy to keep track of your weight loss progress. This habit allows you to monitor your weight fluctuations and understand how your body responds to certain foods, workouts, or lifestyle changes. It’s important to weigh yourself at the same time each day, in the morning, for the most accurate results.

Remember to use the same scale and wear similar clothing (or none at all) for consistency. It’s not about obsessing over daily fluctuations but rather about recognizing patterns and taking action when needed.


2. Hydrate

Starting your day with a glass(or 2) of water, preferably warm, can have significant benefits for weight loss. Not only does it help to kickstart your metabolism, but it also helps to flush out toxins from your body. Water is a natural appetite suppressant, so drinking it before meals can make you feel fuller, thereby reducing the amount of food you eat. Furthermore, hydration aids digestion and prevents constipation, which can, in turn, help your weight loss efforts.

Often, our bodies can mistake dehydration for hunger, leading to unnecessary calorie intake. Regular hydration can combat this. While the amount of water required can vary from person to person, a good guideline is to aim for 8 glasses per day. You can spice it up by adding some lemon or cucumber for added flavor and detoxifying properties.

3. Do Some Moderate Exercise

Engaging in some moderate exercise in the morning can be a game-changer for those aiming to lose weight. Morning workouts not only rev your metabolism for the day, but they also help you burn fat and calories. Additionally, they assist in consuming fewer unnecessary calories throughout the day. Research suggests that those who exercise in the morning are more likely to make healthier food choices afterward.

Additionally, morning exercise can improve your mood and energy levels, making you more productive during the day. Most importantly, completing your workout in the morning ensures that it’s done for the day and won’t be pushed aside by other responsibilities or distractions that may come up later. Also Read: How Sleep Duration Affects Your Mental and Physical Health

4. Eat a High-protein Breakfast

After your morning workout, starting your day with a high-protein breakfast can be highly beneficial in your weight loss journey. Proteins are known to promote a feeling of fullness, reducing hunger and preventing overeating. Including high-protein foods like eggs, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or protein shakes in your breakfast can help curb cravings and avoid excessive snacking throughout the day.

Research has shown that a protein-rich breakfast enhances weight loss by regulating blood sugar levels and reducing hunger hormones, thus supporting overall caloric control. Remember, a balanced breakfast is the key to a successful and healthy weight loss journey.


5. Soak Up Some Sunshine

Basking in the morning sun plays a surprisingly crucial role in weight loss. Exposure to sunlight in the early hours has been linked to a lower BMI, with research suggesting that UV rays can affect the fat cells residing just beneath our skin, causing them to shrink and burn stored fat. A type of fat tissue in our bodies facilitates this process known as “brown fat,” which burns calories when activated by cool temperatures or sunlight.

Moreover, early sunlight exposure helps regulate your circadian rhythm, improving sleep quality, which is vital for maintaining a healthy weight. Not to mention, soaking up some sunshine boosts your production of vitamin D, a nutrient that plays a role in weight regulation. However, remember always to practice safe sun exposure, limiting direct exposure in peak sun hours, and using sunscreen to protect your skin.

6. Practice Mindfulness Techniques

Practicing mindfulness techniques can be an essential component of your weight loss journey. Mindfulness, the act of being fully present and engaged in the current moment, can help manage stress, a common trigger for overeating and emotional eating. Techniques such as avoiding your phone or not watching TV to breathe and relax will help a lot.

Additionally, mindfulness activities such as meditation or yoga can improve mental clarity, boost mood, and enhance overall well-being, further supporting your weight loss goals. Remember, to lose weight isn’t just about diet and exercise; it’s about creating a balanced lifestyle, and mindfulness can play a pivotal role in achieving this balance.

7. Avoid Specialty Coffees

Specialty coffees, particularly those loaded with sugar, syrups, and cream, can sneak in a significant number of empty calories into your diet, derailing your weight loss efforts. A medium-sized specialty coffee can contain up to 500 calories, equivalent to a full meal! Additionally, these drinks often have a high sugar content, which can cause a spike and crash in your blood sugar levels, leading to increased hunger and potential overeating later in the day.

Instead, consider alternatives like black coffee, herbal tea, or even a glass of lemon water in the morning. These options provide a healthy and calorie-free way to kickstart your metabolism, enhance hydration, and provide antioxidant benefits, supporting your weight loss journey from the moment you start your day.

Lose Weight

8. Slow Down and Think About What You’re Eating

Slowing down and being conscious of what you’re eating in the morning is a vital practice for successful weight loss. Often, people rush through breakfast, grabbing whatever is convenient without considering its nutritional value. However, taking the time to plan and savor a balanced breakfast can set a positive, health-conscious tone for the rest of the day.

Focus on incorporating protein, fiber, and healthy fats into your meal, which will keep you feeling fuller for longer and prevent overeating later in the day. Remember, the quality of your food matters as much as the quantity. By being mindful, you become more in tune with your body’s hunger and satiety signals, enabling you to eat intuitively and aiding in your weight loss journey.

9. Keep a Food Diary to Track Your Intake

Often overlooked, keeping a food diary to track your intake is a beneficial strategy for weight loss. It allows you to monitor what you’re eating and drinking, providing a clear picture of your dietary habits. By writing down everything you consume, you make yourself accountable, and it can be surprising to see how many extra snacks or sugary beverages you might unconsciously add to your day.

Furthermore, a food diary can help you identify patterns, such as emotional eating or overeating at certain times. It encourages mindfulness, making you think twice before eating something that isn’t beneficial to your health. It’s not just about reducing calorie intake but about fostering healthy eating habits that are sustainable in the long term.