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Why African Americans are flocking to Ghana

Ghana Flag. Ghana is one of the most peaceful countries. This is one of the reasons why many African Americans move Ghana
Fri, Nov 17, 2023

Living in Ghana as an American is a growing trend that is rapidly gaining roots in the West African Country as several people move to reconnect with the motherland. Ghana has earned its space in the list of countries in Africa that are ideal for those who want to relocate to the continent to enjoy a quiet and peaceful life. But why are African Americans trooping to this beautiful country in droves? We provide you with some of the reasons behind the mass relocation to Ghana.

More African Americans are relocating to Ghana

Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park in Ghana. The country is a magnate for African Americans

Acclaimed as the gateway for Africa, the trend is good for Ghana’s economy and a major boost for the African continent. Government sources estimate that between 3,000 and 5, 000 African Americans live in Accra alone.  The number has been increasing over the years as more seek to reconnect with the land of their ancestry.

Why African Americans are relocating to Ghana

Ghana is the second most peaceful country in Sub-Saharan Africa

Ghanaian culture

A man painted in Ghanaian flag colors during a past cultural event

With its vibrant culture and hospitable people, Ghana is one of the most peaceful countries. While living in Ghana as an American, the chances of being kidnapped for ransom are almost non-existence. The country also rates highly on political stability and is among the African countries that have incorporated strong democratic ideals.

In the Global Peace Index (GPI) report for 2022, the beautiful country clocked as the second most peaceful country in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the entire globe, Ghana was rated number 40 out of 163 countries. The Ghanaian Times reports that the peace that the country offers is a reason most people prefer to settle in Ghana.

Escaping racism

Tourists in Ghana. Tourism is one of the reasons why many African Americans move Ghana

Tourists in Ghana

For a black American hoping to enjoy life free from the pints of racism experienced in parts of the US, relocating to Ghana is an ideal move. Reports by various international news outlets indicate that racism is pushing some people of color out and influencing them to relocate to Africa.

While living in Ghana as an American, the chances of experiencing racism are non-existent. The events that happened in 2020 following the emergence of the Black Lives Matter Movement encouraged more African Americans to relocate to Ghana, according to CBS News.

Year of Return

Accra Ghana. Many African Americans are moving into Accra

A boy hawks items in Accra, Ghana

When Nana Akufo-Addo launched an initiative to encourage the African diaspora to visit the continent in 2019, many people did not anticipate the impact the initiative would have. The call was one of the turning points for African Americans. It inspired more Americans to explore the prospects of returning to the continent. He described it as the Year of Return and targeted African Americans. The same year, the country received about $1.9 billion in tourism activities, attributed to the return of African Americans to the continent. READ ALSO: Top 7 richest cities in Africa in 2023

Growing economy

The economy of the West African country is on an upward trajectory and provides the perfect business environment for investors. With a huge abundance of natural resources, Ghana’s business potential is a magnet for African Americans keen on new investments. Moreover, the government’s focus on building a sustainable economy is only an icing on the cake. The policy is lucrative for those living in Ghana as an American.