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African countries the US cautions you against visiting in 2023

Kisumu city
Tue, Oct 17, 2023

Travel restrictions is one of the strategies that the US government has always relied on to protect its citizens and there are African countries the US cautions you against visiting in 2023. While some of the restrictions are imposed as a result of civil unrest, others are dangerous places to visit because of terror-related activities. In such countries, terrorists target US citizens and there is always a high chance of getting kidnapped by terrorists and held hostage as a political bargaining chip. We present you with some of the countries in Africa with travel advisories from the US Federal government.

Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso is one of the countries that has struggled with insecurity. The country that experienced a coup has been plagued with terrorism and crime. Kidnapping is also on the rise in the country and is among the top African countries US cautions you against visiting in 2023. In July, the US Department of State issued a travel advisory against the country. Traveling to the country is a major risk because of factors that are beyond the US government. For instance, the US government admits it is unable to provide emergency services to US citizens in most parts of the country because of security concerns. This means that if you find yourself in a situation that puts your life at risk while in the country, chances of getting emergency help may require time.


Traveling to Mali is also another dice with kidnapping, terrorism, or death. The country has been experiencing insecurity for several years. The situation worsened after the 2020 military coup. The West African country is one of the African countries the US cautions you against visiting. Since the Federal government ordered non-emergency staff and their families to leave the country in 2022, the US has not been keen to lift the travel advisories. In this landlocked country, several military groups operate with impunity including Russia’s Wagner Group.


Sudan is one of the countries with an active ongong conflict and makes it one of the most dangerous places to visit. The US has placed a level four alert on Sudan on the country requiring its citizens not to travel to the country. Several ethnic factions have been fighting in Sudan over the last couple of months. Two generals have been fighting for control of Sudan. During the conflict cases of crime and kidnappings have been reported while the International Criminal Court is also investigating war crimes in the country.

South Sudan

Sudan’s neighbor South Sudan is also one of the African Countries the US cautions you against visiting. Since its establishment, South Sudan has been struggling with insecurity as rival ethnic groups engage in conflict. The US Department of State, informs all American citizens not to travel to South Sudan because of kidnappings, crime, and armed conflict.

Central African Republic

The country is one of the countries that you should not visit for security reasons. In this country, America’s Embassy in Bangui has limited capacity to support citizens. This means that cases of civil unrest and kidnappings may be a challenge to handle if citizens are to camp at the embassy for protection. Furthermore, the country also have problems with accessibility to clean water, consequently casting a dark cloud on your health.


Tucked between the Indian Ocean, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Djibouti, Somalia has been a dangerous place to visit because of terror-related activities. In a travel advisory issued on July, 2023, the US government cautioned citizens against traveling to Somalia and imposed a level four alert on Somalia. The area is synonymous with terror activities by the Al Shabaab militant group. Among the major crimes in the country are kidnappings, piracy, and terrorism.

READ ALSO: US issues travel advisory to Kenya


Libya is one of the African countries the US cautions you against visiting. The level of alert is level four which means that you should not travel to the North-ASfrican country. Libya is also synonymous with terror activities, crime, and kidnappings.