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What are some of the traditions that define Thanksgiving?

Turkey dinner scaled
Fri, Nov 3, 2023

Thanksgiving traditions are the things that make Thanksgiving special. Families all over the United States get ready to celebrate this holiday in their own special ways. We take a look at some of the different and heart-warming Thanksgiving traditions that make this holiday so nice.

The big Thanksgiving meal

When you think about Thanksgiving, one of the first things you think about is a big meal. The turkey, usually the main part of the meal, is a sign of lots of food and the fun of sharing. Families get together to enjoy a delicious meal that usually includes roast turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and some other side dishes. Pumpkin pie, pecan pie, or other sweets make the meal even better.

Preparing this big meal often means that everyone in the family gets involved. Everyone, from the good cooks to the people who don’t cook much, takes part in making a delicious meal that they can share.
Read also: History of Thanksgiving: What you need to know about the feast

Thanksgiving turkey is the star of the meal. Its presence at the center of the table creates a focal point that encourages families to come together and share.
Thanksgiving turkey is the star of the meal. Its presence at the center of the table creates a focal point that encourages families to come together and share.

Turkey trot traditions

A lot of places have “Turkey Trots” on the morning of Thanksgiving. They invite people to take part in fun runs or walks. These events aren’t just about getting rid of calories before the big meal, but they’re also about promoting being healthy and being together. Some families make it a tradition to take part together, while others enjoy watching the runners from the sidelines.

Family football games

Thanksgiving and football go together very well. After the big meal, lots of families go outside or to a nearby park for a friendly game of touch or tackle football. The games are usually just for fun and are full of laughs. They make great memories for people of all ages.

Thanksgiving parades

For people who stay at home, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is a famous tradition. The parade has big balloons, bands that march and play music, and famous people who perform. It has been a part of Thanksgiving mornings since 1924. Watching the parade on TV while having a cup of hot cocoa is something many families like to do.
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Talking about what we’re thankful for

A very important tradition at Thanksgiving is talking about what we’re thankful for. Some families go around the table, and everyone says what they’re thankful for. This nice tradition helps people think about what’s good in their lives and brings people of all ages together. These moments when we think about what we’re thankful for often make great memories.

Decorating for Thanksgiving

Another tradition that people like is decorating their homes with autumn colors and symbols. People often use pumpkins, gourds, cornucopias, and leaves in their decorations. Making Thanksgiving centerpieces and wreaths adds a creative touch to the holiday.

Helping others

Giving back to the community is an important tradition for a lot of families on Thanksgiving. People often help at local charities, food banks, or places that help people who don’t have a home. It’s a time for families to be together and teach about kindness and helping others.
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Family recipes that get passed down

Many families have special recipes that have been passed down from one generation to another. These dishes become a big part of the Thanksgiving tradition. Whether it’s a secret stuffing recipe, a special cranberry sauce, or a particular way of seasoning the turkey, these recipes help connect the past to the present.

The tradition of recipe sharing adds a personal touch to the holiday, creating a sense of connection, continuity, and appreciation for culinary heritage.
The tradition of recipe sharing adds a personal touch to the holiday, creating a sense of connection, continuity, and appreciation for culinary heritage.


In the last few years, “Friendsgiving” has become more popular. It’s a different or added way to celebrate Thanksgiving. Friends come together to celebrate and share a meal where everyone brings a dish. This makes people feel like they’re part of a bigger family, even if they’re not related.

In conclusion

Thanksgiving traditions are the things that make Thanksgiving special. They help us feel connected and give the holiday more meaning. From the big Thanksgiving meal to talking about what we’re thankful for, football games, and helping others, these traditions show the values of love, gratitude, and being together that Thanksgiving is all about. As Thanksgiving comes, take some time to think about the traditions that are important to you and your family. These are the moments that make the holiday really special